Upcoming Adventure….

Headed out to Orlando this week, for work and for FUN!  Can’t wait to check out the new addition to Universal Studios Wizarding World of Harry Potter section and ride this………

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  3. Photos Galore from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Amazing day. Tough for our photos to do it justice…
  4. Ollivander’s Wand Shop at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter Literally stuffed with wands from floor to ceiling, this place..

Cuddle CupCakes

A person who loves you is someone who sees the pain in your eyes, while everyone else believes the smile on your face….

Tomorrow will be a rainy day…making me blue….wishing there was something more…that I could do….

My hands are tied….I feel the system lied….to much time to bide…and then I cried!

Somebody needs a hug….

No Amount of Pain



There is no amount of pain that will change the past. We can get stuck in our pain for so long that it doesn’t even make sense any longer.  Nothing does. All we know is we are in pain and nothing seems to work.

I never say that you should not feel your pain! I say feel your pain for as long as you need to;but learn when it is time to let it go. Once that pain doesn’t serve you, yes I said “serve you” because sometimes pain can help us get past things, own it,  but once it is making life simply too hard to navigate, then it is time to let it go. Only we have the power to know when it is time and to do something about it.  There may be times when the pain is too great and we can’t seem to pull ourselves…

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Sad, sad day

For reasons unknown to almost everyone in my life today (the last hour) has been one of the most depressing and sad days I have ever experienced.  I sit still and wonder about the timing of the world and how things transpire and I truly know that God would not put more on me than I could handle and he has proven this to me time and time again.  The information I just received moments ago breaks my heart and I sit here in tears unable to fathom the feelings and emotions of the person who just called.  I am not a person who cries, literally I cry so rarely it is probably unhealthy but I can hardly see my screen right now as I type.  I know that there is a bigger plan and I am only a pawn in this plan but that is a harsh reality for me at this moment.  I want to change the plan, I want to go back in time, I want to fix the things that have happened to get to this point.  Unfortunately I also want to punish those who are unreasonable, and unforgiving so that I can make them understand what their actions are doing to others.  I want to trade places with the person who is hurting right now, I want to make it better and I am unable.  I must only believe that just as God wouldn’t put more on me he would not give this other person more than they could handle either.

I am afraid I will now withdraw even more than before, and shut all my emotions inside.  I do not like the pain, or the fear I feel for this person, and unfortunately there is more to come that will make this the nightmare I am anticipating.  I want to wake up and learn this has all just been a dream but I know I can’t…..