Feeling Fab Friday

So after a long week, I am happy to say HELLO FRIDAY!  A loved one sent me this pic and stated how they could get used to this on a daily basis, while not the soothing picturesque view of the beach I desire, I can certainly appreciate the beauty in this view as well.

Western Sunset

After a long week of tiring hours and unsavory tasks it is now time to begin the homework marathon (this evening).  I am pleased to say I am in the home stretch for this semester however, not so proud to state my ELP is not as far along as I would have wished.  Let’s face it I have come to the realization that I am indeed part human and do have my limits….well maybe I am still trying to push and find those limits.  Self improvement is my middle name, but I believe I need to spend some time improving my relationship(s) with others next after the long stint of self serving improvement steps I have taken I may have left a path of destruction behind which was not my intent at all.  There is a behavior that I would like to call out that I think all can learn from especially anyone that works where I do….“MAKES PEOPLE BETTER”  – requires continuous learning and professional development through timely, constructive and candid feedback…then providing the tools, resources and training that help people excel.

More to come on this Fab Friday…..I will leave you with this now –

Credit to girlnextdoorfashion.net