Challenges in Life

Trying to get to a better place in my head.  It is hard at the moment…..received a picture today from 2005 brought back a flood of memories of good times and a sadness all at the same time.  Life does not stop, no matter how much you wish for time to stand still.  Use what you have today to make yourself a better person.  Take the challenges that life throws at you to become stronger.  Look fear in the face and let it know you are the boss of you and no one else will rule your world.

This was said best to me by my grandmother, don’t worry about what you have no control over because you can not change it.  Don’t worry about what you can control, do something about it.  I like to think of this in my terms….when life gives you lemons make a vodka tonic with a twist!

Monday in Memphis

What an evening, cold yes it is 29 degrees currently.  Moving some pieces of furniture dealing with the elements was not what I had on the agenda when I woke up this morning.  The behavior of individuals is quite unpredictable at times, just never underestimate the person you are dealing with or else you could be taken off guard.  I would like to say that my past experiences have prepared me quite well for unsavory individuals, and while that may not sound so appetizing to some, it has made me the person that I am today and for that I am grateful.

So the situation tonight could have gone many different ways and while I won’t go into the gory details I did want to leave you with this parting thought…..

Safe and sound at home dreaming of my beach fantasy and the warm days ahead!